
Workflow Automation and Overcoming Bottlenecks

Workflow Automation and Overcoming Bottlenecks

Bottlenecks creep into our workflow softly, and quietly. One by one they grow and multiply and we manage them on the fly, typically by pushing them onto our diligent staff who prove themselves to perform adequately on handling them.

The Recovery will be Digital

The Recovery will be Digital

Addressing a topic that might seem to some a little preliminary, but I think it is important for all business owners to give some thought to a strategic planning session and that is about the recovery.

How Scope Assessment Worksheet Planning boosts team alignment on all areas of your project concept

How Scope Assessment Worksheet Planning boosts team alignment

Something that's come up many times over the years that we've worked extensively to help in the in in the planning process with our clients and prospective clients to to to be most efficient with how to think about getting things done.

We call this a scope assessment worksheet and it is pre-planning.